How to NOT to be “That Girl”

How to Not be That Girl

Photos courtesy of Pexels

A girl in her twenties wakes up at 5:30 in the morning, drinks matcha, reads, does sunrise yoga, journals and has a successful academic and social life; she has her life perfectly put together.  

It can be exhausting trying to keep up with the latest workout and beauty tips, tricks, trends and techniques. Not to mention, expensive! On the daily, young women consume a variety of media that constantly critiques their outward appearance. 

No matter how much effort and energy one might put into their physical appearance, it never seems to appease society's standards.  

Recently, having either doe or almond shaped eyes is “trendy” and encourages women to go above and beyond to have the most aesthetically pleasing and flattering facial features. 

A UTK Sophomore in architecture, Chloe Reeve comments on the pressure of  trying to be “That Girl” and how social media makes a profit off that. 

“I feel like I am constantly trying to play catch up on all the latest trends, every week is something new and unattainable,” Reeve  said. 

Being conventionally attractive is profitable. Often, popular influencers with a platform are paid to promote products. Sometimes they may not even use those products themselves and then proceed to tell impressionable viewers to purchase such so that they too can look like them.  

Any blemish or flaw is not accepted. The media likes to fixate on all insecurity and make money off it. It can range from a fancy, new gym membership or which pre-workout supplement to take is the “best.” TikTok especially creates an environment where women should conform and spend copious amounts of money in order to be good-looking, have status and be popular. 

Another UTK student, Savannah List, comments on this environment.

“I just feel it is kind of a waste, mindlessly scrolling and worrying about what I look best in. Or what color on my skin tone is most flattering. Why can’t I just wear what I like,” List said.

She, like most of us, can get caught up in comparison. Sometimes, even idolizing celebrities and influencers.

“It’s just unnecessary. Recently, I’ve seen a lot of ads on my feed for eye cream and anti-aging...I’m 20,” List said.   

Young middle school aged girls are particularly being influenced to buy from expensive brands such as Drunk Elephant. Even the brand name is not appropriate nor directed toward their age range but technology and TikTok are highly persuasive. 

Now more than ever, younger generations feel the need to buy these products to be attractive. They are exposed to this and develop a newfound desire to grow up faster, focusing and idolizing their appearance. 

Social media has implemented this idea that younger generations need these products to be pretty.  

“I find it crazy; I would do anything to be a young girl with no responsibilities or obligations. I remember having zero interest in how I would dress or how I did my hair or even what I ate.  When I was little, I was rarely wrestled with body image and wasn’t exposed to the intense content young girls are now,” Reeve. 

Nonetheless, at any age women face a variety of obstacles and cannot seem to escape all the societal expectations and pressures. Despite all this external influence, there is no need to conform and become something you are not. There should not be this expectation to splurge on unnecessary make-up products or supplements that do not work.  

It is simply impossible to keep up and be “That Girl.” Instead, be the girl that's kind, smart, passionate and caring, because that is what truly matters