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A look into the iconic impact of the “Twilight” movie saga
Revisiting the “Twilight” phenomena that has captured girls for years.
Even though it’s been over fifteen years since the first “Twilight” movie was created, the movies have continued to be relevant in the media. Even though the series is no longer on Netflix, each was ranked in the top ten most watched at the time, according to Every fall or winter season, me and many of my friends all bundle up to binge this movie series.
But why is there a “Twilight craze?” What makes these movies so iconic? Here are a few of the most relevant and crucial parts of the Twilight Saga.
Coloring and Cinema Aspects
The first thing that comes to mind when many think of the first “Twilight” movie was its emerald and turquoise filter. Those who have watched the “Twilight” movies know that the theme of color is incorporated throughout all of the films. In “New Moon,” the main tones are a warm brown and gold, while “Eclipse” focuses more on cooler tones and colors, such as white and silver. “Breaking Dawn: Part One” uses many sunset-like and warm colors, but red is placed symbolically as a stark contrast throughout. Lastly, “Breaking Dawn: Part Two” has a mix of yellow and blue tones.
Though the first two movies have a more memorable color palette, each movie purposely has coloring that connects with the main theme of the movie, such as Bella meeting Edward in the first film, and the contrast of becoming close with Jacob in the second. There are many shots and strategically placed scenes that execute this using not only color, but scenery, special effects, music, drama and symbolism. Many fans appreciate these movies for their beauty as well as imagery that goes along with the dramatic plotline of Bella and her vampiric adventures.
Dramatics and Plot Twists
In every “Twilight” film, there are many dramatic scenes and twists that keep watchers hooked. While some of these moments have been viewed in a humorous light, others have stayed in viewers' minds and are what they remember most about the saga. One of the biggest scenes is the Cullen baseball scene in the first film. Another is the rainy encounter Bella and Jacob have in “New Moon” before discovering he’s a werewolf. The trademark flower field outros and vampire-kill intro scenes are also memorable trademarks of the films, setting the melodramatic tone for each movie in the saga.
Every movie has a multitude of dramatic scenes, many of which people have dragged them for, but have also made them iconic. Plot twists are a big incorporation of this aspect. The most impactful plot twist, as well as the most important, was the battle scene in “Breaking Dawn: Part Two.” Fans were shocked by how the scene unfolded, but if you haven’t seen it, you definitely should. Smaller details are seen in many of the characters' backstories, as well as the main discoveries involving the vampires. The drama and grungy plot style of this series is what draws fans back into it every year.
Edward vs. Jacob
Now, for what everyone has been thinking about: Edward and Jacob. For the longest time, fans have argued over who was best for Bella and which team they are on even after the saga clearly named Edward as the “winner.” Both characters had a strong dynamic with Bella and were interesting (and hot) in different ways. Many believed it was the perfect match up either way, a vampire or a werewolf. It was the type of campy, teenage fantasy drama that everyone loves, and it’s why many fans love the movies. However, when all of the debates finally fizzled out, fans came to another conclusion. Regardless of who they believed was best or who they liked more, they agreed that the portrayal of each of the characters' relationships were crucial.
Though fiction shouldn’t be taken so seriously, Edward and Jacob showed viewers what healthy and unhealthy relationships look like. Sometimes, the characters were passionate, warm, and kind, but they could also be intense and angry. And, of course, they had issues involving the classic vampire/werewolf enemy dynamic. While it is acceptable to enjoy the entertainment that the three complex character’s create, it is important to keep in mind the differences between love, obsession and manipulation.
Overall, there are a multitude of clear reasons as to why “Twilight” is such an impactful series, even now. The vampire craze will always be popular in the media, especially if it involves romance. The cinematography and plotlines of the “Twilight” movies are what made the difference. With likeable and powerful characters, the series remains iconic in setting trends and staying relevant to old fans and new. It is nostalgic and a classic binge worthy series that many can find escape in.
And if this wasn’t your sign already, it’s definitely time for you to watch or rewatch the “Twilight” movies if you haven’t already.