How to Stay Present as a Senior

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Tips on how to enjoy every moment of your final year

The last year in college can be overwhelming. You don’t know where you’ll be in a year from now. People are asking about your post-graduate plans. It feels like you need to start looking for jobs and internships right away. 

There are a million different questions being asked. “What are your post grad plans?” “Are you ready to graduate?” “How do you feel about one last year of college?”

However, it can also be fun. You also get to create meaningful memories with your friends and experience everything one last time. Between looking forward to the future and reminiscing about the past four years, it can be difficult to stay present. 

With how jam packed school can be, it may feel like there’s not enough time in the world to appreciate what senior year has to offer. Suddenly, you’re thinking of all the things you haven’t done and figuring out how to cross it off your list. There are a bunch of questions you ask yourself. Should I go to Mexico for spring break? When should I take my grad photos? What are my plans for the future? 

It can certainly take away from enjoying where you are now. However, there are tips on how to alleviate the stress of change and the future. 


  1. Say yes as often as you can 

It sounds cheesy but take advantage of every opportunity presented to you. Spend as much time with your friends as you can. Do mundane tasks or get a late night sweet treat together. I would recommend being spontaneous and just seeing where the day goes. Who knows, it might lead to a core memory. 

There’s only a year left. There’s only so much time to try new places with your friends in your college town. Try that restaurant you’ve always wanted to go to. Go watch a tennis match. Swim in the TRECS pool. Tan in the park with your friends while trying to do homework. Make the remainder of your time worthwhile. 


  1. Cherish the moment

When experiencing the last football game or semi-formal, you aren’t going to be sad forever. Sure, you’ll know it’s the last football game or last formal, but it makes it more special. It makes you want to take a picture with your mind of the moment. You’ll want to really be present with your friends. It’s a bittersweet feeling. If anything, knowing it’s the last one ever would make you want to have the best time ever. To look around and soak up the experience that you’ve grown to love over the last four years. 

It’s going to feel weird knowing you’re done and that time in your life has passed. You will be sad and emotional, but only momentary. As time passes, you’ll be able to think back to these memories and be thankful for what's given to you. 


  1. Shift your perspective

It’s all about perspective. Whether you’re ready to go into the real world or struggling to come to terms with walking across the stage, graduating is a milestone. Your college years are some of the most formative years of your life. You learn a lot about yourself. This place helped shape who you are. When you feel yourself worrying about what comes next, focus on what the past four years have taught you. You may not be able to hold onto every single moment, but thinking about the here and now will help you appreciate just how far you’ve come. 

As scary as it sounds, your life is going to be different a year from now. It’s oddly comforting though because four years ago you were a different person. Now, you’re leaving a new person. It’s all a part of a cycle of growing up. 

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to be present at all times. Just remember you’ve been through this before and got through it. You can do it again. College served you well and gave you so many things you learned and cherished. Look forward to the future while taking the time to appreciate where you are right now.